Chords to Angels We Have Heard on High
Chords to the Christmas carol Angels We Have Heard on High.
Angels We Have Heard on High is also known by the name Westminister Carol.
For history and facts (and lyrics without chords) check out lyrics to Angels We Have Heard on High.
Chords and lyrics
Chord analysis to Angels We Have Heard on High in the key of G for guitar and piano. Guitar chord charts.
- Click on a chord symbol in the lyrics to show the chord diagram of the chord in a popover.
- Click anywhere, except on the active chord, to hide the popover. Or click another chord symbol to hide the current popover and display the new one.
- Desktop: Use
to move back and forth between the chords in the lyrics. - Guitar: Use a capo to change the key of the song.
- Zoom in to magnify a chord diagram. Especially useful on small screens, i.e mobile devices, when learning a new chord.
Verse 1
Angels we have heard on high, sweetly singing o'er the plains, and the mountains i n re - ply ech - o - ing their joyous strains.
Glo - - - ria, in ex - cel - sis De - o. Glo - - - ria, in ex - cel - sis De - o!
Verse 2
Shepherds, why this jubi - lee? Why your joyous strains pro - long? What the gladsome tidings be which in - spire your heavenly song?
Glo - - - ria, in ex - cel - sis De - o. Glo - - - ria, in ex - cel - sis De - o!
Verse 3
Come to Bethle - hem and see Him whose birth the an - gels sing. Come, a - dore on bended knee, Christ the Lord, the new - born King.
Glo - - - ria, in ex - cel - sis De - o. Glo - - - ria, in ex - cel - sis De - o!
Verse 4
See Him in a manger laid, Jesus Lord of heaven and earth. Ma - ry, Joseph, lend your aid, with us sing our Savior's birth.
Glo - - - ria, in ex - cel - sis De - o. Glo - - - ria, in ex - cel - sis De - o!