O Come All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles)

Chords to the Christmas carol O Come All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles).


For history and facts check out lyrics to O Come All Ye Faithful.

Chords and lyrics

Chords to O Come All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles).

  • Written by John Francis Wade.
  • English translation by Frederick Oakeley.


Easy guitar chord analysis to O Come All Ye Faithful.

A diagram visualizing the guitar chord D.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord D7.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord Em.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord G.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord A.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord Am.
Guitar chord chart to O Come All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles).

  • Click on a chord symbol in the lyrics to show the chord diagram of the chord in a popover.
  • Click anywhere, except on the active chord, to hide the popover. Or click another chord symbol to hide the current popover and display the new one.
  • Desktop: Use <Tab>/<Shift><Tab> to move back and forth between the chords in the lyrics.
  • Guitar: Use a capo to change the key of the song.
  • Zoom in to magnify a chord diagram. Especially useful on small screens, i.e mobile devices, when learning a new chord.

Verse 1 (easy)

O come, all ye faithful joyful and trium - phant, O come y e, oh c ome ye to Be - thle - hem. Come and be - hold Him born the king of angels;

O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, O come let us a - dore Him Chr - ist the Lord!

Verse 2 (easy)

Sing, Choirs of angels, sing in exulta - tion, sing all ye citizens of hea - ven a - bove! Glory to God   Glory in the highest;

O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, O come let us a - dore Him Chr - ist the Lord!

Verse 3 (easy)

Yea, Lord we greet thee, born this happy mor - ning, Jes - us to thee be all glo - ry gi - ven. Word of the Fath - er now in flesh ap - pearing.

O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, O come let us a - dore Him Chr - ist the Lord!


Intermediate guitar chord analysis to O Come All Ye Faithful.

A diagram visualizing the guitar chord C.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord D.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord D7.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord Em.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord G.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord A.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord A7.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord Am.
Guitar chord chart to O Come All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles).

  • Click on a chord symbol in the lyrics to show the chord diagram of the chord in a popover.
  • Click anywhere, except on the active chord, to hide the popover. Or click another chord symbol to hide the current popover and display the new one.
  • Desktop: Use <Tab>/<Shift><Tab> to move back and forth between the chords in the lyrics.
  • Guitar: Use a capo to change the key of the song.
  • Zoom in to magnify a chord diagram. Especially useful on small screens, i.e mobile devices, when learning a new chord.

Verse 1 (intermediate)

O, come, all ye faithful, joy - ful and tri -   um - phant! O, come ye, oh, come ye to Beth - le - hem; Come and be - hold him born the king of angels:

O, come, let us a - dore him, O, come, let us a - dore him, O, come, let us a - dore him,   Chri - st the Lord.

Verse 2 (intermediate)

Highest, most holy, light of light et - er - nal, born of a virgin, a mor - tal he comes; Son of the Fa - ther now in flesh ap - pearing!

O, come, let us a - dore him, O, come, let us a - dore him, O, come, let us a - dore him,   Chri - st the Lord.

Verse 3 (intermediate)

Sing, choirs of angels, sing in ex - ul - ta - tion, sing, all ye citizens of heav - en a - bove! Glo - ry to God   in the hig - he - st:

O, come, let us a - dore him, O, come, let us a - dore him, O, come, let us a - dore him,   Chri - st the Lord.

Verse 4 (intermediate)

Yea, Lord, we greet thee, born this hap - py mor - ning; Jesus, to thee be glo - ry giv - en! word of the Fath - er, now in flesh ap - pearing!

O, come, let us a - dore him, O, come, let us a - dore him, O, come, let us a - dore him,   Chri - st the Lord.


Advanced guitar chord analysis to O Come All Ye Faithful.

A diagram visualizing the guitar chord C.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord D.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord D/A.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord D7.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord D7sus4.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord Am7.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord Em.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord Em7.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord G.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord A.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord A7.
A diagram visualizing the guitar chord Am.
Guitar chord chart to O Come All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles).

  • Click on a chord symbol in the lyrics to show the chord diagram of the chord in a popover.
  • Click anywhere, except on the active chord, to hide the popover. Or click another chord symbol to hide the current popover and display the new one.
  • Desktop: Use <Tab>/<Shift><Tab> to move back and forth between the chords in the lyrics.
  • Guitar: Use a capo to change the key of the song.
  • Zoom in to magnify a chord diagram. Especially useful on small screens, i.e mobile devices, when learning a new chord.

Verse 1 (advanced)

O come, all ye faithful, joy - ful and tri - um - phant! O come   ye, O come   ye to Beth - lehem; Come and be - hold   Him born the King of an - gels:

O come, let us a - dore Him, O come, let us a - dore Him, O come, let us a - dore Him,   Christ   the Lord.

Verse 2 (advanced)

Sing, choirs of angels, sing in ex - ul - ta - tion,   sing,   all ye cit - i - zens of heaven   above! Glo - ry to God     in   the   high - est:

O come, let us a - dore Him, O come, let us a - dore Him, O come, let us a - dore Him,   Christ   the Lord.

Verse 3 (advanced)

Yea, Lord, we greet thee, born this hap - py morn - ing;   Je - sus, to thee     be glo - ry given! Word of the Fa   - ther, now in flesh ap - pear - ing!

O come, let us a - dore Him, O come, let us a - dore Him, O come, let us a - dore Him,   Christ   the Lord.

See also